Grants Support 88th District First Responders, Says Delozier

February 6, 2023

HARRISBURG – Grant funding will be coming to several hard-working first responder companies in the 88th District under the PA Fire Company and Emergency Medical Services Grant Program, according to Rep. Sheryl Delozier (R-Cumberland). 
Eight companies and ambulance squads in the 88th District are recipients of the grants administered by the Office of the State Fire Commissioner. The money can be used for facility upgrades, equipment purchases or repair, debt reduction, education and public outreach, training, or recruitment and retention.
“Our firefighters and emergency medical service providers make sacrifices daily for our townships and boroughs. Most of our companies are also volunteer run,” said Delozier. “These grants are just one way to show our support for all they do to protect local residents by answering the call of duty.”
Grants awarded within the 88th District are:
New Cumberland Fire Department, $14.563
New Cumberland EMS, $10,000
Lower Allen Township EMS, $5,000
Lower Allen Township Fire Department, $15,000
Mechanicsburg Volunteer Fire Department, $39,773
Hampden Township EMS, $10,000
Hampden Township Volunteer Fire Co., $15,000
Shiremanstown Fire Co., 12,843

The funding amounts are contingent on the recipients filing their grant agreements with the Office of State Fire Commissioner.

Representative Sheryl Delozier
88th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Katelin Morrison
717.260.6502 /

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