Delozier: Act 53 Implementation Will Remove Barriers to Jobs, Help Pennsylvanians with a Criminal Record

October 23, 2024

HARRISBURG—Last week, the state finalized and adopted new professional licensure regulations that will remove barriers to jobs for Pennsylvanians with old, unrelated criminal records. Helping to lead the charge on this initiative in 2019 was Rep. Sheryl M. Delozier (R-Cumberland), who has been a passionate advocate for common sense criminal justice reform.

Before Act 53, thousands of qualified Pennsylvanians faced regulatory barriers to occupational licenses. Now, applicants can only be denied licenses for convictions that are directly related to the profession, or in cases where the applicant’s criminal activity poses a real risk to others.

“On Oct. 19, the state Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs (BPOA) implemented Act 53 of 2020,” said Delozier. “This legislation, which I am proud to have advocated for, removes many obstacles to opportunities for Pennsylvanians with criminal records and encourages them to apply for licensed professions, like nurses, veterinarians, barbers and more. Many of these jobs are high demand.

“My colleagues and I worked on and ultimately approved this legislation understanding the importance of reintegration and having the ability to play a role in a community. I know the implementation of this law will have a positive impact on individuals, families, communities and the economy as a whole,” Delozier concluded.

In addition to being an advocate for the professional licensure reform in Act 53, Delozier led the way on bipartisan, bicameral Clean Slate legislation and its expansion. She is a co-chair of the Criminal Justice Reform Caucus and remains committed to meaningful change.

Questions about this legislation or any other state-related issue can be directed to Delozier’s office at 717-761-4665.

Representative Sheryl Delozier
88th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Katelin Morrison
717.260.6502 /

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